We are excited to announce the kick-off for our 2019 Lobby for the Rivers Day!
With environmental regulations being rolled back weekly at the federal level, it is more important than ever that we have strong protections for our waterways at the local level. We need your help to make sure that happens!
For those who have not participated in Lobby Day in the past, Mass Rivers hosts this day of advocacy at the Massachusetts State House at the start of every legislative session. This is an opportunity for you to meet with your local elected officials to share why rivers are important to you! This is also a chance for us to collectively advocate for important legislation that will make rivers healthier and show that there is a strong constituency that cares about the rivers of Massachusetts.
This event will take place at 1 pm on March 28th in Room 428 of the Massachusetts State House. The event will include remarks from some of our water legislative champions and a brief training on how to talk to your electeds about water issues. The end time for the event will depend on when your meetings are scheduled with your state representative and state senator, but we anticipate that we will not go past 4 pm. We will work with you to schedule these meetings and provide additional information about top river issues in the state in advance of this event.
To register Lobby for the Rivers Day, please click on this link and complete the linked form. We will be in touch shortly after with additional details for the event.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Gabby Queenan at gabbyqueenan@massriversalliance.org or 617-714-4272.
Thank you!