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Stormwater Financing Workshop 1 Overview

See below for key information from presentations shared at the workshop.

Workshop Agenda and Recording

MS4 Permit Costs


Presented by: Newton Tedder, Senior Permit Writer, Stormwater Section - US EPA

Download the full presentation here: MS4 Permit Cost Compliance
(Key highlights from the presentation shared below.) 

Six Components of MS4 Permit Compliance

  1. Public Education and Outreach​​

  2. Public Involvement and Participation

  3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

  4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

  5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management

  6. Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention in Permittee-Owned Operations


Left: Figure illustrating the cost breakdown of MS4 permit compliance. IDDE and municipal good housekeeping currently form the bulk of MS4 compliance costs for municipalities.

Good housekeeping includes services such as catch basin cleaning, operation and management of MS4 infrastructure, and street sweeping.

Looking Ahead: Future MS4 Directions and Costs

  • Major costs in the next ten years include:

    • Asset management and accounting​

    • Stormwater control inspection and maintenance of of new construction and redevelopment projects

    • Capital improvements to infrastructure

  • Next generation stormwater management:

    • System repair and replacement activities that result in a more resilient system with more stormwater controls​

    • Developing comprehensive programs to prioritize cleaning, maintenance, and replacement of systems

    • Controls on private property will require long-term inspection and maintenance

    • Tracking of pollution reduction progress

Resources for Green Infrastructure
Planning & Development 


Presented by:
Padmini Das, Section Chief, Nonpoint Source (NPS) Management Program - MassDEP
Judy Rondeau, Watershed Specialist & Outreach Coordinator, NPS Management Program - MassDEP

Grants and Programs

Point Source Management

  • Stormwater MS4 Municipal Assistance Grant Program

  • Water Quality Monitoring Grant

Nonpoint Source Management

  • 604(b) Water Quality Management and Grant Planning Program

  • 319 NPS Pollution Competitive Grant Program


Above: MassDEP stormwater grants roadmap for point source and nonpoint source pollution. 

Example Project: Greening Natick Streets

  • 604b funding was used to conduct an existing conditions assessment and design improvements on Pond Street in Natick, MA.

  • The Town, in collaboration with the Charles River Watershed Association, developed a conceptual green street design, a green stormwater infrastructure guide, and conducted an outreach campaign.

  • Significant pollutant load reductions are expected to result from this project.


Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP)
Grant Program


Presented by: Courtney Rocha, Southeast Regional Coordinator - MA EEA

Overview of MVP Program

  • Communities that become certified under the MVP program are eligible for MVP Action and Planning Grants.

  • The MVP program provides support for communities in Massachusetts to begin planning for climate change resiliency and implementing priority projects.

  • The State awards funding for communities to conduct vulnerability assessments and develop resiliency plans.


Left: An overview of project types eligible for MVP grant funding.

Example Project: Maillet, Sommes, and Morgan Constructed Stormwater Wetland

  • MVP funding was used to build a stormwater wetland system in Reading, MA to create additional offline stormwater storage

  • The system improved stream bank stabilization and ecological stability while improving open space development and trail connectivity


FEMA/MEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA)


Presented by: Michelle O'Toole - MEMA

What is Hazard Mitigation?

  • Adapting to natural hazards

  • Protecting people and structures from anticipated hazards

  • Maintaining consistency with principles of resiliency and sustainability

  • Minimizing the costs of disaster recovery/response

  • Provides increased levels of protection to reduce of eliminate risks


Left: Requirements for a project to be considered for HMA funding.

HMA Grants and Programs

Building Resilient Communities (BRIC)

  • Annual grant cycle expected to open in late summer/early fall; applications submitted by early December.

  • Provides hazard mitigation funding for states, tribal governments, and municipalities.

  • Began in 2020 as a replacement for the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program.

  • Has both qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria. Funds projects up to $50 million, with between $500 million and $2 billion in grant funding awarded annually.

Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)

  • Funds projects that reduce or eliminate flood damage to buildings insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)​.

  • Communities must participate in NFIP to be eligible.

  • Awarded annually with the same timeline as BRIC.

  • There is a nationwide competitive review process. 

Hazard Mitigation Planning

  • First phase of the hazard mitigation process

  • Establishes a mitigation strategy and delineates priorities for mitigation activities

  • Identifies possible projects based on hazard risk

Development of an approved, up-to-date Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is required to receive project funding.


Additional Resources

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Founded in 2007, Mass Rivers works to strengthen statewide river policies in four areas: water quality, streamflow, wildlife habitat, and investment in green infrastructure.

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