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Indigenous Approaches to Dam Removal & River Restoration
See below for resources, links, tips, and a video recording on Indigenous approaches to dam removal and river restoration. Webinar originally held June 5, 2024.

Dams are physical manifestations of the legacy of colonialism in our rivers.Indigenous peoples are important stakeholders in the dam removal process. Learn more about indigenous perspectives surrounding dam removal projects and river restoration in the U.S.
Presented by: Hartman Deetz, Mashpee Wampanoag
Hartman Deetz has been active in environmental and cultural stewardship for over 20 years. This stewardship is based on his spiritual foundation in his Native traditions that value the earth as a living being. Deetz is also is doing illustration for Wampanoag Language Reclamation Program language acquisition books. Deetz is a traditional artist as well as singer and dancer, having shown his art in galleries from coast to coast across the US. Deetz is currently engaged with advocacy work for the Charles River Watershed Association advocating for the health and restoration of the Charles River as well as other campaigns around native rights to access waterways. and the protection and restoration of Mashpee water quality and water quality in general for the future of mankind.
3:38- Start of Presentation
6:25- Sharing Nipmuc Story
11:10- Nature Balance/Natural Law
15:42- Climate Change
19:50- Earth as a Living Being
21:30- Herring Role
30:50- Q&A
Do you have any feedback on the webinar?
Additional Resources
American Rivers- National Dam Removal Community of Practice Website
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