River Month Bingo
June is National Rivers Month, a perfect time to connect with and celebrate our beautiful rivers! Bring River Bingo on your adventures this month for your chance to win Mass Rivers swag!
Over the month of June, fill out a River Bingo card! Submit your card and at least 1 photo of something you saw whenever you finish getting 4 in a row to annarenkert@massriversalliance.org. (Please use the honor system - original photos only). Completed cards with accompanying photos are due June 30th at midnight.

What could you win?
You will be entered to win a Mass Rivers hydro flask water bottle (retail value $35)!
Three lucky winners will be randomly selected from qualified entries. Winners will be selected July 1st and will be notified by email. Winners will be announced on social media July 8th. All prizes will be awarded.
*Staff and Board of the Mass Rivers Alliance are not eligible to enter. No purchase or donation is required to enter. The Massachusetts Rivers Alliance reserves the right to use any photos you send us for our website and/or other communications to the public. We will credit you for your photo(s).
Need ideas of where to go to enjoy your river and fill out your bingo card?
Check out our Explore Your Rivers page to discover recreation opportunities in every watershed across the state.