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Katharine Lange

Action Alert! State Environmental Agency Budgets in Danger!

We need your help to ask legislators to override the governor's veto to insure protection of our critical resources. The legislature recommended budget increases for environmental protection in Massachusetts - then the governor vetoed them. There is still hope, but we need your help:

Find the email address and phone number for your legislators' offices. Leave messages and send emails asking them to override the Governor's veto and restore the Conference Committee's budget recommendations for the Department of Environmental Protection and the Division of Ecological Restoration!

Here's a sample script:

“Hello, my name is __________________ and I am a resident of _______________, Massachusetts. I am calling to ask that Representative/ Senator __________________ override Governor Baker's veto on the DEP and DER line items, and urge their colleagues to do the same. [Include how important it is to you and your community to have a safe and thriving environment.] Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Thank you so much for your help! We can't do it without you. Please reach out to Katharine ( with any questions.

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