Calling all river advocates! Are you concerned about invasive species? Do you want to make way for native species to thrive?
One of Mass Rivers' priority bills this session is on invasive species management & funding (H.999/S.563). This bill centralizes state resources under one office, creates a State Coordinator position to guide municipalities and non-profit organizations with best practices, and establishes a grant program to help fund eradication, prevention, and public outreach activities. See our fact sheet below for more info.
The bill had a public hearing before the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture (ENRA) onTuesday, December 7 at 1 PM. Thank you for showing up and telling legislators about your challenges with invasive species management, and demonstrating the need for centralized resources and increased funding. Together, we spoke up for rivers!
Now, we need your help advancing the bill out of committee! ENRA has until next Wednesday, February 2 to report bills out committee - otherwise, those bills die and we have to restart next session.
Ask your legislators to talk to their colleagues on ENRA, urging them to report this bill out favorably.
If your legislator has already cosponsored the bill (check here!), you can thank them for their support.
If your legislator is on ENRA (check here!), you can ask them directly to report the bill out favorably.
Sample email:
Dear Senator/Representative,
My name is _____________ and I am a resident of __________. [Note your organizational affiliation if applicable.]
I support H.999/S.563 because this legislation would bolster efforts statewide to prevent and eradicate invasive species, making way for healthy, thriving ecosystems. An invasive species infestation on land or in the water can have serious impacts on local economies, recreational opportunities, and ecological stability. [Share your invasive species story - how have you seen them impact your community?]
The longer they are left unattended, invasive species infestations become more and more expensive to manage. The state does some have resources for identification and best practices, but they are spread across many agencies. For municipalities with few or no staff devoted to invasive species management, it's incredibly time-consuming and frustrating to track down these resources. [Share what obstacles you've seen to funding or executing invasive species management work]
I urge the committee to report H.999/S.563 out favorably. Thank you for your consideration.